Happy Day This and Thatters! How are you? I was reviewing some of the posts I've written and noticed that I had 13 posts in the draft section of this blog. As I went to review them I realized why they were still in there :) See I often get inspired and will write two and three posts at a time. I often save them and space them out. That's why sometimes I'm asking you about your weekend on a Thursday, I need an editor!! Some of these posts don't get published because they're deeply personal and I'm not sure I'm ready to put them out there just yet. Some need more work or thought to them and others need to make their way to the trash can, know what I'm sayin? Sometimes I wish that life was just like writing and you could keep the drafts in a little box until you were ready for them. Wouldn't that be lovely? I often wish I could do this with my big mouth as well. :) Mostly I realize that a girl needs the option to keep some...