Can't We All Get Along?

How are you today?  I hope you had a lovely weekend that prepared you for the week!  

I got tons done and the hubs played golf on Sunday which allowed me to watch all my lovely reality shows that have been in the DVR all week.  The hubs got me U-verse with DVR a few weeks ago and it has been life changing.  What did I do without DVR?

On Saturday I ran a ton of errands around Norcross.  When I was kissing the hubs goodbye (as he was glued to the TV for 10 plus hours watching college football) he warned me that people might say something about the t-shirt I was wearing.  

See I was wearing a t-shirt that said the Presidential candidate name I plan to vote for on it and the year 2012, I bought it online (I'm not telling you who as that isn't the point).   The hubs warned me that people might say things to me about it.  To be honest I hadn't even thought about it.  

As I made my first stop at TJ Maxx I have to admit I was self conscious, were people really going to bust my balls because I was simply expressing my personal opinion?   I went about my errands and hit up publix, dick's sporting goods and target.  My debit card is taking a break for the rest of the week :)

The odd and fascinating thing was people did speak to me about my shirt but everyone was extremely respectfully.  Some even asked my why I was going to vote the way I was or why I felt like this person was a good candidate.  I was flabbergasted that complete strangers had articulate, thoughtful, educated conversations with me about the upcoming election.  

On the way it got me thinking about facebook and how everyone is acting like complete hyenas about the election.  I know I am not alone when I say I have actually had to hide people's newsfeeds from my view as they were so ridiculous in their political stances or their only updates were about politics.  The hubs actually had to unfriend some people that as they were being that offensive.  

I realized that it is a lot easier to be rude, negative, insulting etc. when you are safely behind a computer screen.  It is much more difficult to do this in person as I experienced this weekend.  It made me a bit sad that our manners and good graces don't extend to social media.  The bright spot to me is that in person all the people I encountered in person were respectful, interested, engaging and thoughtful.  

It gave me hope, incredible hope, that we can all get along where it matters, face-to-face.  It made be thankful that we live in a country that celebrates and encourages our differences.  I mean we live in the greatest country on earth and we are beyond blessed by all the freedoms we are granted every day!  I think sometimes we forget that but I was reminded of how awesome our country and its citizens are this weekend.  

I hope and pray that we can all get along and love each other in spite of our differences.  



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