The Struggle Is Real

Happy Saturday lovely readers!  I hope you and yours are enjoying the sunshine.  Lord I really missed the sun.  :)

This week has been a bit busy, nothing unusual, just busy how weeks can be.  I started thinking about New Years resolutions and sticking with them.  I also started thinking about giving myself a bit of a break, ha!  That is a very novel concept for me.

I've been trying to do things to take better care of myself (as a new years resolution).  So I've been drinking warm lemon water in the morning, using headspace, working out more and making an effort to eat better.  One day this week when I was struggling to check all of the boxes of resolutions I stopped dead in my tracks.  It hit me (that for me anyway) the reason I don't keep my the resolutions I make each year is because I use these goals I set for myself to beat myself up.  

It was a very enlightening moment for me.  Am I the only one who does this?  I have a very vicious cycle of setting goals, beating myself up when I don't achieve them or don't complete them in the way I expected and so I abandon the goals.  The guilt piles on and on.  NOT GOOD!!

I had to switch up my thinking and realize that somedays I'm not going to get to do all the things I want to take care of myself.  And other days I'm gonna meditate on my bathroom floor because it's the quietest most serene place in my house while Emily runs around playing every musical instrument we own.  

Somedays I'm going to check everything off that I want to achieve and others none of it is going to happen.  On those crazy days when I don't do what I think I should have done is when I need to practice self care.  Instead of railing on myself for not doing it or finding the time I need to relax and realize tomorrow is another day....thanks Scarlet.  

I need to realize that sometimes date night for me and the hubs means eating a meal I threw together at the last minute and watching House of Cards.  Date night doesn't have to be a romantic comedy.  It's about spending time together no matter what that looks like.  

I need to work on managing my expectations of myself and being easier on myself.  I need to look at my resolutions as awesome things I can do for myself instead of using them as weapons against myself.  I need to cut myself some slack and relax for goodness sake :)

My take away from my epiphany is that the best resolution I can set for myself is to be nice to myself, to be good to myself and to take things as they come.  This doesn't mean I won't set goals or stick to my resolutions it just means I will look at them completely differently.  I will approach them from a place of love, patience and understanding and I hope you do the same.



  1. HERE'S THE PLAN: TODAY -- when we lose our temper with the kids, when we accidentally eat that third brownie, when we don't send that thank you card for the fortieth day in a row, when we forget to stop at the gym, when we're late for that meeting -- anytime and every time we fall short of the ridiculous expectations we put on ourselves -- we are going to say to our sweet, well-meaning selves:

    "Whatever. I'm fabulous anyway."


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