
Showing posts from March, 2016

What's On My Nighstand

Happy day this and thatters!!  I hope your week is starting out right!  I've been reading up a storm lately and loving it.  Here are a few of my favorites! 1.  Pretty Happy by Kate Hudson I love, love this book!  It is such a fun and (yes you guessed it ) happy book.  She has great tips and real advice about happiness that I love. 2.  I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn't) by Brene Brown This book is/was life changing for me!  If you've never heard of Brene Brown before she is a shame researcher and to say her work/research is groundbreaking would be an understatement.  This has been a real quick read for me because I'm enjoying it so much!   3.  Spirit Junkie By Gabrielle Bernstein This is a book I have read before and am now reading again that's how good it is.  For me it is a practical guide to spirituality, understanding fear and love.  This is a sup...

The List...

Hey friends!  I know it's been about 7 months since I posted (but who's counting).  I had a kid and then hit my busy season at work so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.  I figured I could at least make you laugh (or question my sanity) so my first post back is a list of all the things that are kind of making me insane right now.   Enjoy! xoxo 1.  Instagram Wtf?!  Do I really need to do that notification thing if I want to see your pictures?  I mean honestly I love Instagram because you can stalk and not have to deal with politics, religion, etc.  I'm gonna be really pissed if I have to go through and chose to follow all the people I like to stalk on a daily basis. 2.  The Pollen Jesus take the wheel I'm over it!  I feel bad, my kids feel bad, the dog feels bad etc.  I am taking Claritin like I did lemon drop shots in college and nada.  So over it!  Summer please come on for goodness sakes...