The List...
Hey friends! I know it's been about 7 months since I posted (but who's counting). I had a kid and then hit my busy season at work so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. I figured I could at least make you laugh (or question my sanity) so my first post back is a list of all the things that are kind of making me insane right now.
1. Instagram
Wtf?! Do I really need to do that notification thing if I want to see your pictures? I mean honestly I love Instagram because you can stalk and not have to deal with politics, religion, etc. I'm gonna be really pissed if I have to go through and chose to follow all the people I like to stalk on a daily basis.
2. The Pollen
Jesus take the wheel I'm over it! I feel bad, my kids feel bad, the dog feels bad etc. I am taking Claritin like I did lemon drop shots in college and nada. So over it! Summer please come on for goodness sakes.
3. Left Lane Drivers
When my dad was teaching me how to drive (which is another blogpost in and of itself because I'm still scarred from it) he taught me that the left lane on the interstate was only for those people that meant business. It was for Sunday drives etc. I took this theory to heart and abide by it like a religion. DOES ANYONE ELSE?! Jeez I feel like I'm all alone. Please for the love get over if you are texting, folding laundry etc. bc you are about to push me over the edge.
4. Daylight Savings
Is cruel and unnecessary! No need to expound.
1. Instagram
Wtf?! Do I really need to do that notification thing if I want to see your pictures? I mean honestly I love Instagram because you can stalk and not have to deal with politics, religion, etc. I'm gonna be really pissed if I have to go through and chose to follow all the people I like to stalk on a daily basis.
2. The Pollen
Jesus take the wheel I'm over it! I feel bad, my kids feel bad, the dog feels bad etc. I am taking Claritin like I did lemon drop shots in college and nada. So over it! Summer please come on for goodness sakes.
3. Left Lane Drivers
When my dad was teaching me how to drive (which is another blogpost in and of itself because I'm still scarred from it) he taught me that the left lane on the interstate was only for those people that meant business. It was for Sunday drives etc. I took this theory to heart and abide by it like a religion. DOES ANYONE ELSE?! Jeez I feel like I'm all alone. Please for the love get over if you are texting, folding laundry etc. bc you are about to push me over the edge.
4. Daylight Savings
Is cruel and unnecessary! No need to expound.
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