
Showing posts from August, 2016

Dear Olivia

Dear Olivia, My sweet, sweet girl you have been on this earth 10 months and I realized I hadn't written you a love letter yet.  I've written to your sister (and I need to again) but I haven't to you.  So this is your first love letter from momma. I have to tell you my sweet girl that you came into this world so sweetly, easily and happily.  From the first moment I held you I felt different.  I was scared and I was scared when I held Emmy too but I was more afraid.  How could I love you both?  And equally?  How could I do and be everything y'all needed? You calmed my fears like a soothing balm.  You have such an easy way about you that just holding you puts my fears at ease.  When you look at me I swear you are peeking into my soul.  Mimi said something similar the first time she held you for a while she said "my gosh caroline I feel like this baby is looking into my soul."  I simply said I know.  ...

Present Over Perfect

If you follow me on instagram you know I'm reading Shauna Niequist's Present Over Perfect right now.  I love all of her books.  I pre-ordered this one and waited impatiently for it to arrive and I'm so glad it did. I have read it constantly since Thursday and I'm almost finished.  I've read it standing up in my kitchen making lunches because I couldn't stop, didn't want to step away from the beauty of it.  I've also cried every time I've cracked the binding of that book and read a page.   It's good crying, crying that needs to happen.  For a lot of years I didn't allow myself to really cry.  I would start to cry and stop myself.  I would tell myself I was fine, I could handle it...don't cry.  Whatever you do don't cry I scolded myself.  I'm not like that anymore.  I cry all the time about everything.  Matt is getting use to it because it's definitely a shift.  He came in our r...

What's What

Happy Saturday this and thatters!  I'm excited for a low key weekend.  I hope you have a great one and enjoy this edition of what's what. xoxo 1.  Banana Republic Shoes I died when I saw these shoes on BR insta account.  I immediately ordered them.  The online reviews were very favorable as were the insta comments.  I went back and forth on colors but finally settled on this fun pink!  I figured these would spice up any black dress or otherwise blah outfit. They are also 40% off (as are all full price items right now) when using the code BRFORTY at checkout. Click here! 2.  Dr. Shefali's 7 day Conscious Parenting Challenge I've talked about meditation before on my blog before.  I truly love it and it is something I do every day.  It may only be a 1-3 minute meditation but it definitely happens.   When I saw that Dr. Shefali was doing a 7 day parenting challenge I was ecstatic.  If you don't...