Dear Olivia
Dear Olivia, My sweet, sweet girl you have been on this earth 10 months and I realized I hadn't written you a love letter yet. I've written to your sister (and I need to again) but I haven't to you. So this is your first love letter from momma. I have to tell you my sweet girl that you came into this world so sweetly, easily and happily. From the first moment I held you I felt different. I was scared and I was scared when I held Emmy too but I was more afraid. How could I love you both? And equally? How could I do and be everything y'all needed? You calmed my fears like a soothing balm. You have such an easy way about you that just holding you puts my fears at ease. When you look at me I swear you are peeking into my soul. Mimi said something similar the first time she held you for a while she said "my gosh caroline I feel like this baby is looking into my soul." I simply said I know. ...