Dear Olivia

Dear Olivia,

My sweet, sweet girl you have been on this earth 10 months and I realized I hadn't written you a love letter yet.  I've written to your sister (and I need to again) but I haven't to you.  So this is your first love letter from momma.

I have to tell you my sweet girl that you came into this world so sweetly, easily and happily.  From the first moment I held you I felt different.  I was scared and I was scared when I held Emmy too but I was more afraid.  How could I love you both?  And equally?  How could I do and be everything y'all needed?

You calmed my fears like a soothing balm.  You have such an easy way about you that just holding you puts my fears at ease.  When you look at me I swear you are peeking into my soul.  Mimi said something similar the first time she held you for a while she said "my gosh caroline I feel like this baby is looking into my soul."  I simply said I know.  

You love to eat and sleep!!  There is honestly nothing you love more.  You are a momma's girl through and through.  Right now if you hear me anywhere in the house you crawl as fast as you can to me and pull yourself up on my legs until I pick you up.  I know in a few short months you will be saying "up momma".  

I love how brave and tough you are.  You fall down and kept right on going.  You look at me to be sure all is well and then keep right on trying to pull up, walk, take down your sister, sit on Mae, what have you.  :)  

You absolutely hate to be hemmed in!  No sleep sack or carseat for you.  You want to be free as a bird and are not afraid to tell me about it.  You also don't really love sweets which I find fascinating.  You are cautious about new people and places but warm up (if I leave, haha).  Your nickname is sis and you love it.  When anyone calls you sis you scrunch your nose up and smile.  You respond to your name too but not with the same affection.

I love you so much sweet girl and I cannot wait to see where you go on your journey.  I am so amazed and proud that you are mine.  I am completely in awe of you each and everyday.  You broke me wide open in the most beautiful way and I cannot thank you enough for it.  Thank you for completing our little family and being such a light.  I cannot imagine life without you.  

I love you sis!



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