Working Girl Rules: So Emotional

How are the this and thatters today?  TGIF!!

I'm busy getting out from under a lot of work emails and gearing up for a busy few weeks.  How is work going for you?  Did you make any NY resolutions in terms of your job? career?

I haven't made any resolutions in terms of my job but maybe I will.  I got to thinking yesterday about how the hardest part of working is dealing with people.  Sadly working with people is inevitable so making the best of it is our only option.

I have to be honest sometimes dealing with people makes me emotional, very emotional.  For better or worse people can make me angry, sad, irritated etc. you get the idea.  The thing that's hard about expressing these emotions, especially as a woman, is that you often times get labeled as "emotional".  In most situations this isn't a positive.  We could debate the fairness of the emotional label for women but it doesn't really matter, it is what it is.

So how do you check yourself, before you wreck yourself?  How do you reign yourself in before you tell that person "you're a crazy, son of a bitch?"  Or something along those lines?  :)  

To tell you the truth I'm not entirely sure.  I like that I'm emotional about my work because it means I have passion.  But I am responsible for channeling that passion positively and not letting my emotions get away from me.  

I have good days with keeping myself and those "emotions" in check and I have not so good days.  I try to learn from the times that I let my emotions get the better of me.  The great thing about age is it mellows you a bit and allows you to learn the lessons.  

What I never am is embarrassed of who I am and how I feel.  I'm never going to beat myself up for feeling how I feel in the moment.  How I act is another story!  I don't always act on my emotions because it wouldn't be appropriate or career enhancing.  More often times than not I bank my emotions and go forward with a cool head.  It's not worth it to me and often times it's a waste of time to allow someone to take you to a place of anger.

However there are those times when you absolutely must take a stand.  When you do try to do it with some grace and dignity and without yelling (if it's possible).  Just remember that you have to take care of you no matter what.  And never be ashamed of who you are and your emotions. 



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