What's What

Happy Friday!!  TGIF!

I am super excited for a fun, low key weekend!  I hope you have a fabulous weekend.  Until then enjoy this edition of what's what.  xo

1.  Design is in the Details

My lovely neighbor and follow blogger has a fabulous design blog you have to check out!!  She gives you great tips and also interviews some amazing design heroes.  She is nice enough to help me out from time to time and she's even taking on a project or two for my parents.  Check out her blog and you won't be sorry!  http://designisinthedetail.blogspot.com/

2.  Happily Grey

You guys know I love a good fashion blog and I have fallen deeply in love with Happily Grey.  Her blog is fantastic!!  She is the cutest thing too and features awesome, affordable clothes.  I didn't realize it but images of her are all over pinterest and I've been pinning her for a while now.  I follow her blog religiously and you will too :)  http://happilygrey.com/

3.  Sales, Sales, Sales

I am loving all the sales going on right now!  J.Crew, most notably, has everything on sale with an additional 30% off.  Don't think I haven't been snapping up turtlenecks, jeans and scarves in every color!  Go check them out and you are bound to find something fantastic.


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