Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everyone!!

How are you feeling today?  Are you nursing a gigantic hangover?  Or are you doing ok?  

One of the benefits of getting a wee bit older is that I don't wake up New Years Day in my party dress from the night before on a girlfriend's couch or bed.  And I don't spend the better part of my day searching for my lost cellphone (it was a flip phone I believe) and stopping by the Varsity for a snack (true story)!  

Instead I woke up at 10 a.m., which is super late for me, and got busy making black beans and ham for a crockpot recipe I am trying.  The hubs and I are going to grab some grease before the the UGA game and then finally take down our Christmas tree.  To me it's the perfect New Years Day!

I am so excited for 2013 and everything it will bring.  I pray that for me it will bring love, light and some much needed levity.  My biggest prayer is that it will bring Matt and I a child.  I'm hoping that 2013 is the year that God answers my prayer.  

I'm not sure what you are wishing for, hoping for and praying for but whatever it is I hope you realize it in 2013!  Know that no dream is too big or too small.  Make 2013 the year you go after it!  

Thank you for reading my blog and being on this journey with me!  Thank you for your encouraging emails, cards and texts after I post or when I haven't posted in a while :)  Most of all thank you for letting me be incredibly real, honest and open with each of you!  You are all on this journey with me and I couldn't be more humbled and thankful for you.  

Happy New Year!  xo


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