What's What

Hey This and Thatters!

Sorry I've been MIA this week :(  Work has taken a front seat to blogging and I hate when that happens.  To make up for my absence please enjoy this amazing edition of what's what (and your weekend)!  xoxo

1.  J.Crew Factory Flats (discounted)

Who doesn't love a fabulous pair of pointy toe, neutral flats with a bow?!  I don't wanna know you if you don't love everything about that last sentence.  Anyway I fell madly and deeply in love with these shoes and ordered them right away.  These will be a forever staple piece in my wardrobe.

2.  Dallas 

OMG bring on the good (or bad) TV!  Dallas is coming back on and I couldn't be more excited.  I am sad Larry Hagman will only be a part of the second season :(  Anyway, Dallas and Scandal are the only things getting me through the winter time and I can't wait for the soapy goodness to start again!!

3.  Valentine's Candy

I get really excited when I see Valentine's candy is on the shelves because I know that it means Easter candy is just around the corner!  Don't even get me started on my love for all things Cadbury eggs.  Anyway, I have been spending some serious time eating sweetart hearts and watching bad TV (and yes drinking wine).  I should actually correct that statement and say picking the purple and pink hearts out of a bag of sweetart hearts and leaving only the blue and orange for the hubs :)  Oh well whatever gets you through the month of January, right?!

4.  My Dream Closet

So I finally decided on a design and signed the paperwork for my (and the hubs) dream closet.  They start work in the next few weeks and I cannot wait!  As I was working with the designer she mentioned that it would be helpful for the organizing part of the process if I bought some huggable hangers.  I had never heard of huggable hangers so I took my little self to Target and snapped them up!  These hangers are amazing for many reasons 1.clothes not falling off the hangers and ending up on the floor 2.they give you more space and 3. THEY GIVE YOU MORE SPACE.  I can't wait to use my huggable hangers in my dream closet!


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