What's On My Nightstand

Happy Weekend this and theaters!!  I hope you are enjoying the beginning of a fabulous weekend.  

You probably don't know this but the hubs and I spend our Saturday and Sunday mornings drinking coffee and reading.  For some reason the hubs cannot stand to watch TV first thing in the morning (I don't understand this bc if it was up to me our TV would stay on 24-7).  I figured this out early and so instead would read and he quickly began doing the same thing.  

So this morning like every other Saturday morning the fire is on, Mae is snoring and we are both deep in the throws of our latest book.  No matter what you are doing I hope you enjoy what's on my nightstand.

1.  Bossy Pants by Tina Fey

Is such a great book!  I kind of put off reading it (for some reason) and now I don't know why.  It's such an awesome book for the ladies out there and it will keep you laughing as well.  If you are looking for a fun but inspiring read this is the book for you!

2.  Guts by Kristen Johnson

I'm not even going to lie this book is a bit heavy!  It's all about Kristen Johnson's battle with addiction and her recovery.  It is appropriately titled and not for sissies :)  I really enjoyed the story of her overcoming this enormous obstacle and being better for it.  

3.    The Aviator's Wife by Melanie Benjamin

If you have read and liked Loving Frank than you will love this book!  I couldn't put it done.    This book is all about Charles Lindbergh's wife who is often forgotten and in my knowledge never really been written about it.  Obviously this is fiction but still it is a fascinating page turner and one I will read again and again.


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