What's What

How are the this and thatters today?

I must confess I am cranky today!  Not sure if it's the weather, the fact that my busy season starts on Monday or everyone I know has lost their minds :) but either way I'm in need of a pick me up!  I think this edition of what's what is just what the doctor ordered.

Enjoy!  xoxo

1.  C.Wonder

Is having a fantastic sale right now!  Have you checked it out?  They also offered an amazing 50% discount on all sale items on Facebook yesterday.  Today they are offering the same deal on their site just enter EXTRA50 at check out.  I snapped the deal right up and purchased this adorable coat. 

2.  Scandal

I am loving some TV right now!  My new favorite show is Scandal!  Have you seen it?  If not you have to check it out.  It comes on ABC on Thursday's.  Kerry Washington is just fabulous and her wardrobe is to die for, seriously every episode I see something on her I want to buy for myself.

3.  Pinterest

Ok so I love pinterest (like Peter loved the Lord) but this week I have been having problems with it, is it just me?  Pinterest is like a soothing balm to me so when it is down, won't pin my pins or in general messes up it turns me on my ear!  So here is my plea to the pinterest web guys....FIX IT before 3 million angry women storm your headquarters and demand pinterest perfection.....thank you!  :)


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