"Let God, Be God"

How are the this and thatters today?

I am loving a short work week and am super excited for some colder weather!  I know I am the only one but I love having a fire going and curling up on the couch :)  Do you have any fun weekend plans?  We have ZERO and I couldn't be more excited! 

Switching topics, do you tweet?  Are you on twitter?  I am on twitter for the company the hubs and I own.  My handle is @coolcatpro if you want to follow me (you're welcome).  Anyway I really love twitter and can see how people get addicted to it!

Because I am on twitter for our company and not as me (you know what I mean) I mostly follow athletes, runners, fitness mags etc.  I do however follow some celebs and I also follow Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen.  If you are friends with me on facebook I constantly post Joyce Meyer twitter quotes!  She is so common sense and dead on it scares me :)

The other day on twitter she posted the simple quote "Let God, Be God" and I literally got tears in my eyes!  See on that particular day I was trying to be in charge/control over something in which I have ZERO control.  I was forgetting to "Let God, Be God" and I was trying to play God. 

The simplicity and beauty of the statement hit me like a punch in the gut!  Since then every time I start getting wrapped around the axle or obsessed with what I'm dealing with I tell myself "Let God, Be God".  It is such a nice way to remind myself that I'm not in control.  It also reminds me to exercise faith in extremely difficult situations. 

I don't know what you are dealing with right now or what you will face in the future but I hope you can "Let God, Be God" :)



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