
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Confessional

Hey lovely readers!  I haven't done one of these posts in a while so watch out, haha!  :)   I hope you and yours are having an awesome start to the New Year!  xoxo 1.  I recently deleted Snapchat and Facebook of my phone.  I left myself Instagram   I had to do it!!  I started becoming aware of how much time I was spending looking at it and it didn't leave me with a good feeling.  I am not judging myself or anyone else on this.  For me social media was sucking up my time.  I would literally look up and realize that for 30 minutes I had been on all these apps looking at people who let's be honest I don't even know and probably never will.  It has been a really freeing experience and I while I was Instagram obsessed for a few days that has subsided.   I get on Facebook at my computer just once a day if that and I sometimes even forget to look at Instagram   It...


Happy New Year this and thatters!  I cannot believe another year has flown by.  I've been cracking up at everyone's posts hating on 2016.  I think 2016 was a year of growth for a lot of us and the hope is that we reap the benefits of all that work in 2017 (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). Leading up to New Years I started thinking more about what I didn't want to bring into 2017.  What behaviors/patterns/things do I not want to drag into 2017?  I didn't want to make a bunch of resolutions that I would abandon and then feel bad about I wanted to dig a little deeper and figure out what was really important to me.  After lots of soul searching I realized a few things: 1.  We had to get organized.  Matt and I had pretty much been operating like we were still childless without a care in the world.  The problem with having no structure is that it was stressing us both out!  And if any little thing out of the ordinary happ...