The Confessional

Hey lovely readers!  I haven't done one of these posts in a while so watch out, haha!  :)  

I hope you and yours are having an awesome start to the New Year!  xoxo

1.  I recently deleted Snapchat and Facebook of my phone.  I left myself Instagram   I had to do it!!  I started becoming aware of how much time I was spending looking at it and it didn't leave me with a good feeling.  I am not judging myself or anyone else on this.  For me social media was sucking up my time.  I would literally look up and realize that for 30 minutes I had been on all these apps looking at people who let's be honest I don't even know and probably never will.  It has been a really freeing experience and I while I was Instagram obsessed for a few days that has subsided.  

I get on Facebook at my computer just once a day if that and I sometimes even forget to look at Instagram   It has been so completely freeing!!!  For someone who was so obsessed with looking at these apps it's been surprising how easy it was for me to give them up.  

2.  While I loved Christmas break I have never been so excited for school to start back.  Can I get an amen?  I love my girls with every fiber of my being but Lord give me strength it was a crazy break.  Olivia has been sick for almost 5 weeks and I cannot get her well.  I have never seen so much snot in my life (too much?).  She is clingy, only wants me and hasn't slept through the night in weeks.  Please send more wine.

Emily is at this super fun stage where she likes to ask me the same thing over and over.  I never change my answer but she still asks and asks.  The other day I literally snapped and said "enough"  and then we both died laughing.  I asked her if she was trying to drive me to the funny farm and that made her laugh harder.  She is my child!

I love my daughters and I am glad they are close in age but I am also praying to the baby Jesus that the next stages are a touch easier.  Please God!

3.  My busy season for work is about to start up and for some reason I am actually looking forward to it.  Normally I get super down around the holidays because I know that the next 3-4 months are going to be hectic but I didn't this year.  I don't know if I'm getting older or the wine is working but I feel much more at peace with it all.  I feel like seasons are a part of life and if you don't have the busy times, you can't appreciate the slower times.  

*I'm going to need reminding of the zen mindset about mid February, ok?

4.  The Leah Remini Scientology series on A&E is giving me life!!  If you haven't seen it it's on demand and freaking amazing.  It has sucked me in and I'm not sure what I'm going to do when the series ends next week.  Scientology fascinates me but I'm almost afraid to google it.  I'm afraid all these crazy Scientologists will show up at my house.  

If you're looking for something good to watch during this upcoming snow storm (is that even gonna happen?) then tune in!!  It's amazing.  


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