What's On My Nightstand

How are my lovely readers on this Master's Sunday?  

I am just getting settled from a little beach time.  I'm watching the Master's, doing laundry and napping with Mae....the perfect Sunday.  My time away has left me inspired so get ready for lots of blog posts :)   Until then enjoy this edition of what's on my nightstand. 

Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequist

So I know that I normally give you a few books to read during these posts but I adore this book so much that I am giving it it's very own post!  Do you ever read a book or a find an author you love to read and you want to tell everyone about it?  Or is that just my nerdy self?

I love, love this author's writing.  In fact I've blogged about her other books Cold Tangerines and Bittersweet (if you haven't read them go buy them...NOW!).  Bread and Wine is her newest book and it's fantastic.  

It's a mix of her short stories/essays and fabulous recipes all rolled into one.  She talks a lot about entertaining, cooking and having people over.  What I love is she doesn't allow perfection to impend her from entertaining...what a novel concept!  When I am having people over I obsess about everything being clean and perfect but as the author points out no one else is noticing that.  

People want to come into our homes and feel at home, comfortable and well fed.  No one is doing a white glove test of your side table or checking for dust bunnies under your couch (and if they are kick them out immediately)!  :)  What I realized reading this book is that I probably need to go back and reread a favorite of mine "Having a Mary's Heart in a Martha's World".  

Books like Bread and Wine and Having a Mary's Heart in a Martha's World remind me that I am too focused on what doesn't matter.  No one cares that my pillows are perfectly fluffed or that you could eat off my floor but me.  And I'm wasting my time obsessing about these things.  What I need to do is put the mop down and get a life.  Invite people over on a week when the maid isn't coming, make huge mistakes in the kitchen and laugh about them and in general lighten up.  

In a world where we are all way too hard on ourselves I'm thankful for books like Bread and Wine that remind me what life is really about!  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.  xoxo


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