Update and Random Goodies

Hello loyal readers!  I apologize for my absence but my day job has been crazy busy which hasn't left much time for blogging or anything else.  

Thank you for hanging in there and I promise in April I will resume to blogging on a normal schedule.  For today I hope you enjoy my random thoughts.


1.  Emily is getting so big I swear it's crazy!  She is talking all the time and asking for things.  We are working hard on manners.  When she spotted this tutu in Target she said please no less than a thousand times!  We caved and got it for her.  She is obsessed with it and wears it all the time.  Tonight she insisted on sleeping in it!  Ha.

2.  I'm working on redoing our master bedroom.  We've had the same general decor theme in our bedroom for a very long time.  I'm changing things up and have bought a new headboard from One Kings Lane to get us started.  I also snagged some fun accessories while I was shopping around!  I cannot wait for our headboard to arrive.

3.  I feel like all I do is the laundry.  Am I alone here?!  I do the laundry once a week and I kid you not I do at least 4 loads.  It's mostly Matt and Em's stuff and I swear I'm gonna have to teach my husband to wear an outfit more than once.  

4.  For lent I gave up shopping and it has actually not been that hard.  I know that's shocking!  Haha.  I have been grocery shopping and bought things for Em if she needed them but that's been it.  I'm pretty proud of myself :)

5.  Lately I've been obsessed with all things HGTV, DIY and Pinterest.  It's getting my creative juices flowing to do some fun and different things around our house!  Later this month we are going to start the process of cutting down trees and landscaping our yard.  I'm so excited but I'm most excited to buy a swing set for Em. 


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