Weekend Wrap Up

Happy day this and thatters!  I hope you had a fantastic weekend.  I loved the amazing weather and soaking up time with family and friends.  I hope you have a great week and enjoy hearing about our weekend!  


Farmer's Market Fun

Saturday we hit up the farmer's market in town and it was so much fun!  I got some amazing sunflowers and zucchini bread.  There was tons of goodies and I will definitely be back.  Em's favorite part was the fountain and getting to hang out with dada!

Date Night

Saturday night we had an amazing date with friends!  The food was delicious and the company was just what the doctor ordered.  I love a great night out on the town!

Sunday Funday

On Sunday we went to church and Em did amazing with nursery drop off.  It has been a little dicey so I was so relieved and proud of her for being so brave!!  

We spent the rest of the day hanging around the house and relaxing.  Em is such a daddy's girl and the feeling is obviously mutual.

Sunday Night Suppa

I normally try to cook on Sunday night (it doesn't always happen).  We all sit down together and eat a home cooked meal and then have leftovers to eat on for a few days!  I found this recipe the other day and tried it out and it was delicious.  Everyone loved it including Em and it was so easy!  I found it somewhere on Facebook and now can't find the link so here is the screenshot I took.


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