Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

Happy day this and thatters!  Sorry I've been a bit absent  lately but I've been busy working and preparing for baby and that's left little time for blogging.  I promise I will try and get back on a regular schedule very soon :)


Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

How good is the nordstrom anniversary sale?!  I have loved, loved it.  I actually placed my final order last night, ha!  These are the items I couldn't live without.

Lush Tunic

I really love this tunic!  I feel like it will be perfect for fall to wear with skinny jeans or leggings.  I also think it will be perfect post baby :)  I love all the colors it comes in.

Nordstrom Semi Precious Necklace

How amazing is this necklace?  I saw it and immediately fell in love.  I have been really digging longer necklaces lately and this one is absolute perfection.

Sole Society Natasha Boot

Even though this shoe isn't a part of the sale I still thought it was a great price point!  I really love the color and comfort of this boot.  These will be my go to for fall.


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