
Showing posts from April, 2016

Be Yourself...No Not Like That

Happy Day readers!! Has anyone else since this saying going around on social media "Be not like that"?   I have to tell you that it stopped me cold because man did it hit home!!  I have to tell you that I feel like in life we are hit with so many different messages, images and thoughts each day that it's hard to sort through them all.  When I saw this I thought it summed up everything I see each day pretty perfectly. It's hard in this day and age when we are told to be authentic, be real, be ourselves but then rarely are we embraced or accepted when this occurs.  A lot of time what happens is we are told you are sort of getting it, that's about right, or maybe try it this why.  It can make trying to stay in your truth very hard.  The natural reaction is to retreat and conform to whatever you "should be".   What takes your real guts, gumption and truth is to say "yes like this", "absolutely this way", "this i...

Fabulous Finds!

Hey sweet friends!  I love sharing with you items that make my life easier or better.  That is one reason why I really love fabulous finds and I hope you do too.  :)  xoxo 1.  Govino Wine Glasses I got these awesome glasses as a gift and I am truly obsessed.  I've thanked the person that gave them to me about 10 times.  These are amazing "plastic", stemless, dishwasher safe wine glasses that I adore.  Being outside with the kiddos it's hard to bring a nice wine glass outside or really any glass besides my tervis tumbler and these glasses are the cure all for me.  They are several different shapes and sizes and thankfully they are on! Click here! 2.  Meditation Made Easy One thing that has truly helped me in the past year or so has been mediation.  I get that it can be daunting, scary, intimidating or seem not important but my belief is that anytime spent with yourself is valuable ...

Thank You!

To my beautiful, smart, happy, courageous readers I want to say THANK YOU!  Your amazing comments on Facebook, emails, private messages, texts etc. truly warmed my heart.  To hear that something I wrote moved you, spoke to you or was something that you could relate to is an incredible experience. This space is one where I allow myself to be creative, messy, imperfect and incredibly honest.  That means I am also incredibly vulnerable.  Letting my guard down use to be so, so scary and while it still gives me pause I am in a new space.  Pretty much my mantra now is if it's scary I'm going to do it, ha!  The other day at the playground with Em I was literally afraid to go down this big fireman's pole so I did it over and over until I realized how much fun it was.   Em was thoroughly entertained as were the other people at the park!  I didn't care that I looked silly or I almost fell more than once I just kept...

The Truth

Hello happy readers! I hope you and yours are doing well.  I wanted to share with you a little bit of truth today.  I hope you enjoy! xoxo The truth for me today and most days is I want to blog, I think about blogging, I yearn to blog but rarely is there that time in my day.  I feel like I spend most days trying to check items off my never ending to do list.  I spend most days trying to be better than I was the day before.  I spend most days in my head trying to think positively and avoid the negative swirl of thoughts that can so easily take me out of joy.  I spend most days feeling like I haven't spend enough time with matt, or myself or the girls....or poor mae, mae!   I really don't know when it happened that I feel so busy.  I feel like I am literally running from thing to thing.  And since we started potty training Em I am literally running holding a giggling 2 1/2 year old to the closest bathroom I can find. ...