Thank You!

To my beautiful, smart, happy, courageous readers I want to say THANK YOU!  Your amazing comments on Facebook, emails, private messages, texts etc. truly warmed my heart.  To hear that something I wrote moved you, spoke to you or was something that you could relate to is an incredible experience.

This space is one where I allow myself to be creative, messy, imperfect and incredibly honest.  That means I am also incredibly vulnerable.  Letting my guard down use to be so, so scary and while it still gives me pause I am in a new space.  Pretty much my mantra now is if it's scary I'm going to do it, ha!  The other day at the playground with Em I was literally afraid to go down this big fireman's pole so I did it over and over until I realized how much fun it was.  

Em was thoroughly entertained as were the other people at the park!  I didn't care that I looked silly or I almost fell more than once I just kept doing it.  Everyday I find there is an incredible opportunity to do something that scares me.  Something that in the past my heart would have told me to try and I would have ignored because I was too afraid.  Too afraid of what other people would think, what they would say or that I would fail.  

These things aren't really huge, going to space, world changing kind of things they are the small everyday things that I'm changing.  Whether that's going to pray in the front of the church (when I'm the only one), or asking the bag boy to walk me out in the rain or rescheduling a meeting/doc appt because it doesn't make sense for me that day.  Doing these things has created space in my life and provided an incredible amount of positive energy.  

Thank you for sharing with me!  Thank you for inspiring me to keep doing what might sometimes be "scary".  Thank you sweet friends!



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