Not Winning....Here Comes Mother's Day

Ok so honestly I wasn't even sure how to title this post but not winning seemed the most appropriate.  If any of you are on the front lines of parenting you deserve a medal and magnum of champagne.  

Most of the time I'm good but right now I need a vacation.  I think my kids can sense my weakness and therefore they are running a muck.  Just to give you a little insight into the Womack household I thought I would share with you the highlights (or lowlights depending on your vantage point) of our lives lately. 



The other night Emily didn't get a bath (and she needed one) she slept in the dress she wore all day with her pjs pants.  This is because putting on her pj top and taking off her dress made her turn into a complete psychopath.  She also informed the babysitter that she was and I quote "yucky".  

Emily's diet has pretty much consisted of the chickfila kids meal b for a few weeks now.  I was feeling guilty for about 10 minutes but let it pass.  

I was a complete type A crazy person about Emily's schedule when she was little.  Olivia basically eats every 3 hours (or so) and naps when we remember to put her in the crib.  Ha!  Thanks goodness for a laid back second child.

Emily had been doing awesome potty training for 2 weeks and then week 3 hit.  She started withholding and wouldn't use the potty.  She would wait to go until I put on her diaper for nap or night and then that stopped.  After a conference with her teachers and pediatrician the consensus was to go back to diapers and try again at another time.  I cannot even tell you how much that kicked me in the gut.  I felt like I failed.  However, after lots of convos with other moms I realized this is not about me but about her and her body and being ready.  So the ball is in her court but between us I cannot believe I'm gonna potty train her twice.  Sigh

Olivia is teething and I honestly forgot how hard it is.  I feel so awful for her because she is trying to be a trooper but she is in pain!

Emily is going to be transitioning to a big girl bed this summer and it makes me happy and sad at the same time.  I can't believe she is so big!  I also have no clue what I'm going to do without a place for simmer time (you moms on call devotees understand). 

I really wish Olivia would take a paci.  I know it stinks later on but the fact that she won't take a paci and doesn't suck her thumb leaves her little to no soothing options.  Any suggestions?


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