The Confessional

Happy Friday friends!!  I realized it has been a minute since I posted some true, life confessions so here they are....enjoy!


Honestly, I'm not sure if it is hilarious or concerning but Emily told Matt the other night she wanted a budweiser when he asked her what she wanted to drink.  We busted out laughing (bad idea) but it was so funny.  Bud is Matt's beer of choice and apparently she's paying attention.

I have been so tired lately.  Like, bone crushingly tired.  I can't seem to get enough sleep.  I don't know if it's the change of seasons or summer fun catching up with me but if you need me you can find me in my bed.  

I'm addicted to my phone (I mean who isn't).  It's such an easy, free way to escape.  I feel like I need to get control of it though.  I feel like I'm missing actually being in the moment with people because I'm trying to scroll through my insta feed.  #feelfreetojudgeme

Emily is such a diva.  When I say this people are like well of course she's your child, blah, blah.  While I appreciate that she is her own little person and let me tell you if I had back talked my dad the way she talks to me I would have been hung up by my toenails.  She literally slapped me across the face the other night and then did it again 2 nights later.  Then I discipline her and she acts shocked and totally crushed.  Jesus take the wheel!!!  

I feel like Nordstrom might be the death of me!  They make it way to easy to shop and return.   I think I may have to give up Nordstrom for lent....which gives me several months to get use to the idea :(

Olivia is teething and trying to walk and it literally makes me want to drink wine at 10 a.m.  I forgot how hard this age is, when they aren't babies but not exactly toddlers.  She gets so frustrated when she can't have something or can't do something just like Emily.  I've never seen a baby more in a hurry to grow up!

The other night when we were saying prayers Emily informed me and Matt that she loved Olivia but doesn't like her.  Matt looked at me paralyzed for what to say.  I told her I completely get that.  I told her that with time she will probably really like her but loving someone takes way more courage and way more heart so we were so proud of her.  I love Emily for many reasons but her ability to bottom line things is one of my favorites.

I sometimes feel guilty like I'm not celebrating Olivia's milestones exactly like Emily's so it might be bad/wrong.  I'm having to let go of that but it's really hard.  I love the ease of having a second child and how easy she is but I don't want to miss anything.  #sendwine

I'm completely obsessed with Last Chance U on netflix.  It's so good!  It kind of reminds me of Two A Days (a la MTV) but so much better.  If you have netflix tune in!

I'm not sure how it is already mid-September!!!  How did that happen?  I feel like the summer flew by and we are going to turn around it is going to be Christmas.  What I don't understand is that if time is flying why are there some days that the clock won't hit 7 p.m. so I can put my crazy girls to bed?!  Anyone know the answer to this one?!

My last confession is that I have literally been craving the truth.  I told my sweet friend when we were walking the other day that I am craving truth and truthful people like never before.  She laughed when I told her I just don't have time for BS and put ons.  I don't though.  Maybe it's age, or motherhood, or God but for whatever reason I am craving the real, rawness of life because to me it is like a healing balm to my soul right now.  #truth


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