Keep It Simple

Happy day this and thatters!  I cannot believe Halloween is over and we are rolling into the holiday season.  I have to tell you that my brain is already thinking about Christmas!!  Normally I don't buy any gifts or even think about Christmas until December.  I know this is shocking given my type A personality but honestly time just gets away from me.  

This year I am taking a different approach to Christmas.  I have to tell you I normally feel all this pressure to give my kids a picture, perfect holiday season.  The truth is they are so young right now that I need to give myself a break.  At this time in their lives they are as excited about the empty box and wrapping paper as they are about the actual gift.  

So this year I set a budget and I stuck to it.  I already bought all the girls Christmas gifts and all I have to do is wrap them.  Luckily in our family we only buy gifts for the kiddos so that cuts my shopping way down.  Also, I tried to buy stuff I thought the girls would actually use for a long period of time vs whatever the latest and greatest toy might be.  (Sidebar:  Emily wants one of those damn chuckle balls so bad she can't stand it and the thought of buying it makes me want to crack open a bottle of vino. If you don't know what a chuckle ball is google it and feel my pain).  For once I didn't go overboard and I'm proud of myself.  I bought great things but didn't feel the need to buy everything.  

I'm hoping getting the shopping out of the way allows time for me to do more of the fun stuff and the stuff I actually enjoy doing during the holidays!  Like decorating cookies, going to parties, looking at Christmas lights, being with family, cooking and in general being a present person instead of a crazy person.  

My sister and I had a long talk about trying to simplify a season that seems intent on being bigger, brighter and better every year.  We talked about how that made us feel and we made a vow to do what feels good this holiday season even if that looks different, people don't understand it or this or that doesn't happen.  I have to tell you that approaching the holiday season this way has already made me much more relaxed and very excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas.  My mantra for the next few months is going to be to keep it simple and do what feels good!!  



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