The Power of Positive Thinking

Happy Hump Day readers!!  I hope you're having a great week.  From time to time I get emails or requests for certain topics and honestly I've gotten this request in some form or fashion a few times lately.  

People have emailed or Facebook messaged me about positivity or how to stay happy during hard times etc.  To be honest I was a bit surprised that these asks kept coming.  I decided it was a sign that I actually needed to blog about it.  

I think we've all heard the typical attitude is everything comments and most of the time they are in one ear and out the other.  Or we don't think they apply to us just everyone else.  However, I don't believe that.  I truly believe our attitude and thoughts shape our hours, days, years and ultimately our life experience.  

I think this is a huge shift for most of us.  To take our thoughts from the place they have always been is super difficult.  When I got honest with myself I realized that a lot of times what I was thinking was judgmental, harsh, negative or downright mean.  And this wasn't about other people a lot of the time it was about myself.  It was difficult but I didn't judge myself for these thoughts I really tried to be more of an observer and then step in when I noticed myself getting negative and ask why?  

Why in this moment am I beating myself up?  Or judging this person?  How can I see this differently?  This is a process I still do each and everyday.  It's how I keep myself aware of not only what I am thinking but what I am feeling.  When I ask myself these questions often times the answer is the same but sometimes it is radically different.  

In truth being more aware of what I am thinking allows me to shift those thoughts to a more positive or gentle place.  This is absolutely a practice for me.  I will never stop this practice and that's something I had to realize as well.  I am always in a rush to get to the end point, achieve, check it off the list but in this situation shifting my attitude is a moment to moment endeavor.  

Sometimes I have really good day and sometimes I have really shitty days.  The work for me is to not judge myself for either.  To let myself off the hook and realize that I am having a totally normal experience and I am not alone.  Everyone has good days and not so good days and that is absolutely ok.  

There are things I do each day to check in with myself like mediation, having a personal quiet time to read or journal, speaking to my sister or close friends etc.  These day to day touch points help connect me with the truth.  And my truth is that love is always greater than fear.  When things get hard or at there absolute darkest this is what I hold onto.  That love will always win, that darkness cannot survive in the light and that love and light are absolutely worth fighting for.  



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