The Confessional

Happy Hump Day this and thatters!!  I hope your day and week are going swimmingly.  I hope you enjoy this edition of The Confessional.


1.  So I really gotta get it together and start eating better.  I feel like I've been eating on the go and just eating whatever I can get my hands on.  Ha!  I feel so much better when I eat healthy so I need to get on it.  I know people who have done Whole 30 but I'm not sure I have the discipline to do that.  Has anyone tried it?  Thoughts?

2.  I'm really ready for summer!  I need some serious pool and outdoor time.  I also feel like swimming wears my kiddos out like nothing else and everyone sleeps a ton better.  This will be the first year Olivia can really enjoy the pool and ocean and I can't wait to see her reaction.  She's pretty fearless so I'm sure she will dive right in (pun intended).  I'm signing Em up for swim lessons and I'm excited/nervous to see how that goes.  Anyone have any advice?

3.  My birthday is coming up and I don't know how I am going to be 37!!!  Lordy I feel like time is flying.  I remember turning 27 like it was yesterday and honestly most days I feel 27 on the inside, ha!  

4.  I decided last week that this was going to be an amazing summer for me and my fam!  I told Matt for me this summer is gonna be all about self-acceptance and me not being so hard on myself, forgiveness and letting go.  I feel like putting it out in the universe makes it all real!  

5.  It hit me the other day when I was feeling tired and overwhelmed how lucky I am.  I honestly have everything I've ever prayed for I realized in that moment and it instantly changed my perspective.  Sometimes I forget how amazingly blessed I am and I forget to celebrate that!  I forget to tell God way to go and thank you :)  I get worried about the little things that seem so important (and maybe they are) but I don't ever want to forget how incredibly awesome life is and what an incredible gift it is.  I don't want to take it for granted anymore, I want to relish it!  


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