What's What

Happy day beautiful people!  I hope your week is kicking off beautifully.  I'm not gonna lie we are a little slow moving around the Womack household after a packed weekend.  I hope you enjoy this edition of what's what!


1.  Podcasts

Ok so I'm very late to the whole podcast party....feel free to judge me :)  However I am fully a fan these days.  Driving back and forth to Atlanta from Cvegas can sometimes take up to two hours (on bad days and that's one way) and I had to do something to start passing the time and even XM radio wasn't cutting it.  One more when I was leaving at 6:15 am I just randomly thought I need something to keep me awake and I started browsing podcasts as I was filling up with gas.  

It has truly been a game changer for me especially on bad traffic days.  If I'm hooked into a good one I really don't even notice how long it's taking me to get home or to work.  I have two favorite podcasts I'm loving right now.  The first is Yoga Girl's From the Heart podcast.  If you follow her on instagram you know how amazing she is and her podcast are equally as awesome.  I highly recommend.

The podcast I have been literally listening to non stop since I started is called S Town.  It's a true story about a small southern town in Alabama called Woodstock and the cast of characters who live there, oh and a murder happens.  It's so good you have to listen!

2.  Big Little Lies

If you haven't watched Big Little Lies on HBO I'm gonna need you to stop reading my blog and go watch at least two episodes.  It's so good that I'm not sure I can do it justice.  It's based off of a book that I didn't read and now I'm so glad I didn't.  The cast is as amazing as the story and includes Reece Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman and Zoe Kravitz to name a few!  

It's such a great story about moms and women and all their relationships!  If you are looking for a great series to suck you in this is the one for you!

3.  Oprah and Deepak's 21 Day Meditation

Oprah and Deepak (I love how I'm talking about them like we are buds) are doing another one of their free 21 day meditation experiences.  I love, love these.  If you are a long time meditator or have never done it before this is something you should try.  The theme of this one is hope and honestly I feel like we could all use some hope right now.  I have thoroughly enjoyed it.  It's not too late to dive and get started!  


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