My Two Favorites....New Years and New Dresses

So now that Christmas is over it's time for New Years and New Years Eve. I know New Years Eve sometimes gets a bad wrap so I decided to do some research and figure out the history behind NYE. Most historians (and people far smarter than me) feel that New Years is the world's only truly global public holiday. Pretty much every country in the world celebrates New Years. I kinda love that, that all across the world we will all be celebrating the New Year! The Romans dedicated this day to Janus , the god of gates, doors, and beginnings. The month of January was named after Janus, who had two faces, one looking forward and the other looking backward. While I enjoyed my research nowhere online did it really say why I love New Years and that was a bit disappointing (but I will get to that later) Ok, ok I know why all of you out there HATE New Years Eve but I think it gets a bad wrap. The main reason people hate New Years Eve is they are normally d...