My Christmas Wish List.....Santa Baby

Soo I apolgoize for being so absent from my blog but I've been busy traveling, cocktailing, working and Christmas shopping.  I know Christmas is NOT suppose to be about the gifts but sometimes it is hard to remember that when you are in Toys R Us waist deep in action figures or when you are threatening your husband to buy the one gift he was assigned and yet he still hasn't bought  :) 

Sorry to go off on a tangent there but given all the Christmas craziness I've done the majority of my shopping from the comfort of my computer.  It has been lovely to have the UPS man do all my heavy lifting, so to speak. 

The other thing that is hard for me about Christmas is people asking me what I want for Christmas because truth be told I don't need anything but that sure doesn't stop me from wanting things.  These things are often ridiculous, expensive, impractical and honestly embarssing to ask someone else to purchase for me.

Also, I'm a really hard person to shop for if I am being completely honest (and that is what this blog is suppose to be about).  I don't collect anything but my Christmas china and I'm pretty picky.  I use to spend the weeks after Christmas returning things that people got me.  It's not that I don't appreciate them it just seems silly to me to keep something I will never, ever use! 

My mother and husband are both hip to my games and now just ask me what I want and I send them links or go shopping with them.  They have gotten over that I won't be surprised and finally see it my way that at least everyone ends up getting what they want :)  I get the gift I want and they aren't wandering the store for hours trying to figure out what I won't return.

Soo Santa if you are out there below is my Christmas wish list....I've been naughty and nice

1.  I am obsessed with Etsy and love finding unique online shops!  Lately I haven't been able to stop shopping on Tangerine Jewelry.  Their stuff is a mix between Yurman and hippie and I love everything about it.  I'm currently dying for the Vermeil Aqua Chalcedony Earrings and the 24K Gold Vermeil Chalcedony Ring (size 7). 

2.  Is it a scarf or a necklace?  Oh wait it's both

If you haven't viewed the Le Charlot website you are seriously missing out!  I love their stuff and so do the celebs.  This year I'm coveting the hand beaded chiffon bib necklace. 

3.  Anything and I mean anything from Stella and Dot.  I started selling the jewelry simple because I was buying so much of it that it only made since to sell it and make a little extra jewelry dough :) 

I'm currently drooling over the Pegasus Necklace (Khloe K wore it on the Barbara Walters special this week).  I feel like the necklace is so unique that it would make a simple black T amazing. 

4.  My love affair with my IPad 2 runs deeps and true.  It makes everything better and online shopping a snap!  So when I ran across the IPad 2 Bluetooth Tablet at Brookstone I literally jumped for joy.  I love all the colors and how easy it makes typing on the IPad (sometimes the touch screen and I have issues).  I am seriously hoping one of these is under my tree!

5.  2012 is looking soo bright I gotta wear shades!  The Ray Ban P-Retro Cat Sunglasses are totally rocking my world right now.  I still love my Ray Ban Avaitors and Wayfarers but these glasses are all I want for Christmas!

6.  I'm trying to be more fit in 2012 as I have spent the majority of 2011 on my couch watching the Real Housewives of _________(fill in the blank) and sipping wine.  A new cute outfit from LuluLemon Athletica is just what I need to get my new exercise routine kicking!

7.  I have been drinking a lot of wine lately and mostly out of my Uncorked Glasses which I absolutely love.  I am thinking I probably need some more glasses for water and juice given my 2012 goals.  I am loving the clear, tall glasses uncorked glass is featuring right now!


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