Comfort Food...

Is it just me or is this weather making you want to curl up in bed and watch Christmas Vacation on repeat??

It's rainy here and is very warm one day and then chilly the next.  Whenever the weather is like this it makes me crave my mother's home cooking.  I remember being little and coming home from school on rainy days and she would always have something amazing cooking whether it was chili, homemade chicken soup, chicken divan or my personal favorite poppyseed chicken!

When I got married I realized I was going to have to step my game up in the kitchen.  Cereal and sandwiches weren't cutting it and eating out was becoming costly.  Also, my husband asking me "what's for dinner?" the minute I hit the door was becoming an added stres I didn't need.  After working 8 hours, sitting in traffic and then the hubs asking me "what are we eating for dinner?"

I might have gone over the edge one night and said something along the lines of "Really?!!  Since I don't have a hot plate in my car and haven't been cooking while driving I'm not exactly sure what we are eating for dinner!!"

My husband is use to my losing my temper and getting my "Irish up" (so to speak) and so he simply went back to reading his book and waited for this temper tantrum to subside.  Have I mentioned my husband is a saint among men :)

I realized that I neeed to come up with a better plan and so I called my sweet momma and asked for some of her more easy recipes.  My first request was for poppyseed chicken and I was elated to find it was easy and I could actually make it somewhat healthy! 

I also asked for the recipe for potato chip cookies (a personal fav).  These are as amazing as they sound and extremely unhealthy but you can't mess this up.  Even if you start fires in the kitchen and have never successfully made anything believe me you can make potato chip cookies.

So if you can manage to pull yourself away from Christmas Vacation I highly suggest making some poppyseed chicken and potato chip cookies. 

Poppyseed Chicken

What you will need:
6-8 Chicken Breasts
2 cans cream of chicken (I use the reduced fat kind)
1 8 0z sour cream (I use the low fat kind)
one sleeve of ritz crackers
3/4 stick of butter
2 1/2 teaspoons poppyseeds

1.  To prepare the chicken you can do it the way my amazing mother did and boil the chicken with onion and celery in salted water covered for about 35 minutes. 

Or you can do it the lazy way (my way) and boil water and a chicken bouillon cube.  Once the water is boiling I add the chicken and let is cook (uncovered) for about 25-30 minutes.

2.  I let the chicken cool and then use my kitchen scissors to cut the chicken into bite size pieces.

3.  In a large bowl combine the bite size chicken pieces, with the cream of chicken soup, sour cream and add a little salt and pepper.

4.  Put the crackers and poppyseeds in a zip lock bag and crush. 

5.  In a small bowl add crushed crackers mixture and butter.  Pop in the microwave for about 20 seconds until the butter is melted.  Stir mixture and set aside.

6.  Grease a 9x13 casserole dish and add chicken mixture.  Top with cracker mixture. 

7.  Cook on 350 degrees for 20-30 minues.  Serve over noodles.  Soo yummy!!!

Potato Chip Cookies

What you will need:
1 1/2 cups potato chips crushed
1 lb real butter (and yes that is one pound of real butter or 4 sticks)
3 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
powdered sugar

1.  Make sure the butter is room temperature and then cream the butter and sugar.

2.  Slowly add the flour and vanilla.

3.  Fold in the crushed potato chips.

4.  Drop on ungreased cookie pan.

5.  Bake at 350 degress for 10 minutes.  When cooling top with powdered sugar.



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