God and the Giving Tree
So yesterday the hubs and I went to church. To be honest we haven't been going to church as often as we should or want to because finding a church has proved rather difficult. Thankfully we did manage to find a church near our house that we do like and have been going more frequently. The only down side is we enjoy a traditional service so that means we are by far the youngest people in the 11 a.m. traditional service but what can you do? There is just something about a hymnal and a pipe organ that gets me everytime.
Yesterday I really didn't want to go to church. I was tired and frankly had been overserved at one of the two Christmas parties we attended on Saturday. So to say I was a crab cake on the way to church would be an understatement. The minute we got in the sanctuary I was glad we were there. The church was beautifully decorated and it was the fourth Sunday in advent and the reading and lighting of the advent candles was beautiful.
The other thing I LOVE about this new church is the preacher. To me he is the perfect combo of preacher and teacher and his love for God is so apparent it is inspiring. He told the Christmas story but in a new and unique way explaining how modern culture often times fills in the blanks on the story. For instance no innkeeper is every mentioned in the Bible yet there is an innkeeper in every Christmas play.
While I was sitting there I started thinking about my relationship with going to church. The thing about going to church is Sunday is my day to lay around in my pj's until noon, not wear make-up, drink too much coffee, cook or do the thousands of things I think are so important. More often times than not on Sundays I can always find a reason why we shouldn't go to church and we why should complete our mile long to do list.
For some reason this got me thinking about the book The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I loved, loved this book growing up.
I started to realize that I am just like the little boy in the book. I am constantly praying and asking God to make me better, make me stronger, make me saner etc. and he always gives me what I need. One of the things I truly believe is you pray for what you want and God gives you what you need (it often looks and feels different).
I realized that God is the giving tree in our relationship. I take and he gives me blessings, strength, love and peace. And then it hit me, God's latest gift is this new church. He has given me a place that feels like home and a preacher that is teaching me.
My favorite part of The Giving Tree is when all the tree has left to offer is a place for the little boy who is now a man to sit. It isn't flashy and not as big as the other gifts the tree gave but it has always touched me the most.
When you leave the Sanctuary of our church there is a beautiful wooden plaque that says "And Now the Real Service Begins". It's like the ending of The Giving Tree if you don't look close you will miss it but it always means the most.
This week I will be thanking God for a lot of things including the birth of His son, our new church, a husband who pushes me to be better and stronger, and for all of you out there who make my life better and richer.
I know this is a bit of a different post and a bit of a rambling one as well but I hope you like it.
Yesterday I really didn't want to go to church. I was tired and frankly had been overserved at one of the two Christmas parties we attended on Saturday. So to say I was a crab cake on the way to church would be an understatement. The minute we got in the sanctuary I was glad we were there. The church was beautifully decorated and it was the fourth Sunday in advent and the reading and lighting of the advent candles was beautiful.
The other thing I LOVE about this new church is the preacher. To me he is the perfect combo of preacher and teacher and his love for God is so apparent it is inspiring. He told the Christmas story but in a new and unique way explaining how modern culture often times fills in the blanks on the story. For instance no innkeeper is every mentioned in the Bible yet there is an innkeeper in every Christmas play.
While I was sitting there I started thinking about my relationship with going to church. The thing about going to church is Sunday is my day to lay around in my pj's until noon, not wear make-up, drink too much coffee, cook or do the thousands of things I think are so important. More often times than not on Sundays I can always find a reason why we shouldn't go to church and we why should complete our mile long to do list.
For some reason this got me thinking about the book The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I loved, loved this book growing up.
I started to realize that I am just like the little boy in the book. I am constantly praying and asking God to make me better, make me stronger, make me saner etc. and he always gives me what I need. One of the things I truly believe is you pray for what you want and God gives you what you need (it often looks and feels different).
I realized that God is the giving tree in our relationship. I take and he gives me blessings, strength, love and peace. And then it hit me, God's latest gift is this new church. He has given me a place that feels like home and a preacher that is teaching me.
My favorite part of The Giving Tree is when all the tree has left to offer is a place for the little boy who is now a man to sit. It isn't flashy and not as big as the other gifts the tree gave but it has always touched me the most.
When you leave the Sanctuary of our church there is a beautiful wooden plaque that says "And Now the Real Service Begins". It's like the ending of The Giving Tree if you don't look close you will miss it but it always means the most.
This week I will be thanking God for a lot of things including the birth of His son, our new church, a husband who pushes me to be better and stronger, and for all of you out there who make my life better and richer.
I know this is a bit of a different post and a bit of a rambling one as well but I hope you like it.
The Giving Tree Painting
Steve Langenecker
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