Closet, Closet, Closet

Hello lovelies!!  How are you today??

I am so excited to show you the before and after of my closet renovations!  It has taken some time to get everything in it's place and organized but it is now a masterpiece if I do so say myself!  

I finally have everything I own in one closet!  My bathing suits, purses, spring/summer and fall/winter are all together.  And the best part they are organized and I can see and find everything!  It is truly the best home improvement project I have ever done and I wish I had done it sooner.  

Below are the before and after pictures taken with my lovely cellphone!  

Here is our closet before.  With everything shoved in and not exactly organized.

But here's the thing we have a great closet.  As you can see once it is all empty.  The issue for me was the cheap shelving units and the way things were laid out.  

So here is the new closet that the designer and I came up with!  I thought it would help to show you pics with and without clothes. 

This is my amazing shoe rack!!

This might be my favorite part!  I love the shelves and drawers!  

Now here are some pics with clothes, shoes, scarves and jewelry in the closet!  The top two drawers of the shelving and drawer unit are jewelry drawers.  I absolutely love seeing all my jewelry laid out and in one place!


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