A Piece Of My Heart

If you know me (even a little) you know that I have a big heart.  I think that's why I'm so sensitive, passionate and often times relatable.  

Today I got a call from a very, dear, sweet friend who was upset.  Not the run of the mill upset but truly down in her bones hurt.  I was so upset for her and with her that I sat on the stairs in my house for 45 minutes and let her spill out her heart.

The whole time she talked mine broke for her.  I searched for the right words but feel they fell short.  I listened but I know that what she is going through is the hardest kind of pain.  It is the inescapable hurt that no one can help you through but God and yourself.  

I felt like I wanted to right her wrong and fix it but I know that I am not capable of that.  So I sat there feeling helpless while she pulled herself together using her incredible strength.  

I've been thinking about her and a lot of my friends since then.  I think you often times gravitate towards friends that are like you.  I don't think you do it on purpose but it happens.  The majority of my inner circle is super stoic, like me, and while we rely on each other we often times try to deal with things on our own.  

I was super sad that my friend was dealing with this hurt by herself.  She has a huge heart herself and didn't want to bother me or anyone else with her troubles.  What she (and often I) forget is that is why you have a close inner circle of people around you.  They aren't just there for the good times they are also there for the not so good times.  

Opening yourself up and allowing yourself to be vulnerable is sometimes the hardest but best part of friendship.  Sometimes I think people are afraid to share because you don't want to expose yourself or your less than perfect life to those around you.  But the reality is  everyone is going through something, everyone is scared and everyone needs someone to help them through the rough times.  

So whatever you are going through I hope you have an incredible support system around you if not know that you have a piece of my heart and I am here for you.  xoxo  


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