What's On My Nightstand

Happy Sunday this and thatters!  How are you spending this beautiful day?  

The hubs and I had the most enjoyable day yesterday that included a lengthy trip to Barnes and Noble and a yummy lunch at California Pizza Kitchen.  I must confess I love CPK!  I know me and every five year old but what can I say it just hits the spot :)

I'm sure your more interested in my B & N trip than my love of CPK so please enjoy what's on my nightstand!  xoxo

1.  Lilly by Kathryn Livingston

If you are like me it's that time of year that you are looking longing at your spring clothes.  You feel like you are never going to get to wear them and the items that jump out the most are your Lilly pieces :)  I saw this memoir on Lilly Pulitzer and knew immediately I had to have it.  It is an amazing book (that I'm already half way through) about her life, her struggles and the rise and fall (and eventual rise again) of her fashion empire.  If you love all things Lilly this book is for you!

2.  Parlor Games by Maryka Biaggio

This book is fantastic!!  It is about a fun, fearless and sometimes felon who also happens to be a beautiful 1920s flapper.  This book takes you around the world and back again with plenty of love, money and intrigue.  If you are looking for a great book to escape with then Parlor Games is for you!

3.  Alex Cross Run by James Patterson

I love James Patterson!  Reading his books are so easy and effortless.  I also love a great mystery.  If you are looking for a quick, intriguing read than this is the book for you!  I actually encourage you to read all his books :) but if you are just beginning this is a great one to start with!  It has story layered upon story and will keep you guessing until the very end.  


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