What's What

How are you today beautiful?!  I, for one, am so excited for spring and sundresses, bright jewelry and flip flops.  I've spent all day reading out on our back deck and now I'm getting ready to make some strawberry Easter cupcakes.

 I hope you enjoy this edition of what's what!  xoxo

1.  J.Crew Necklace

I saw this necklace at J.Crew and instantly feel in love!  I adore the colors, the style and everything else about it.  Given my growing belly (if you haven't heard I'm prego-I will be posting about my experience very soon) I am looking for cute scarves and necklaces to help my wardrobe.  This necklace was a must have!!

2.  J.Crew Sale

Speaking of J.Crew they are having an amazing sale right now with an additional 30% off!  Given I am only shopping for accessories these days I took the time to hit up the men's department for the hubs.  I found him some amazing shirts for work!  Let's just say the Easter Bunny shopped for the hubs and J.Crew and I hope he likes it :)

3.  The Client List

Let me be real with you that I have been watching a lot of TV and doing a lot of reading lately.  Normally Jennifer Love Hewitt gets on my nerves (I want to rip out some of her extensions and fake eyelashes way too obvious) but I am loving her super cheesy, likable character in The Client List.  It's a fun show that isn't going to make you think too much!  And let's be real we all need those.  Enjoy!


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