What's What

Happy Friday and long weekend this and thatters!  I hope you enjoy this beautiful weekend and this edition of what's what.  xoxo

1.  Road Runner Sports

Sooo I needed new running shoes in the worst possible way and I decided to hit up road runner sports.  I went because I've never been there before and I wanted to see what their experience was all about!  To say I fell in love would be an understatement :)  The way they fit you for shoes is awesome and they even custom make your in-soles.  I ended up with some awesome shoes that are going to allow me to stay active during my pregnancy and I'm thrilled.

2.  Aveda Shampure Candles

Right now my sense of smell rivals that of a blood hounds so when I was getting my hair did the other day and they were burning aveda's shampure candles I died!!  I had to ask what is that awesome candle?!  I instantly snapped up 2 of them and have been burning them constantly.  Give them a try and you won't be sorry.

3.  Monogrammed Bubba Keg

I drink a ton of water anyway but being pregnant I'm drinking even more!!  In an effort to make it as easy as possible I went on the hunt for reusable water bottles and came across the bubba keg.  I love that's 53 ounces, keeps water cold and best of all you can throw a cute monogram on it.  What's not to love?!


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