"I Like Getting Older"

Happy Day this and thatters!

How are you all doing? 

I have to tell you that I often listen to talk radio.  It is something that has slowly happened over the past few years.  I blame it on my commute or maybe I should blame it on my age.  :)

I was driving in this morning and listening to an interview and the woman (who is very famous) said simply "I like getting older.  I know more, I know who I am and I am happier."  I have to agree with her.  I too like getting older because I think it brings a certain amount of honesty, knowledge and experience.

I know when we were all younger we wanted to be grown-up and then we grow up and we want to be young again.  Well not me, I like getting older.  When I was younger the world seemed like a big, scary place and I was pretty much scared of everything. 

Being an adult and being single for a long time gave me incredible gifts.  I know I can take care of myself, I know I don't have to be afraid all the time and I truly appreciate the life I have now. 

The radio show went on to another topic but I kept thinking about age, life and experience.  About how much I've changed and how little I have changed. 

So maybe the secret to life isn't being scared about getting older or staying young but instead to embrace the stage that we are in.  To love where we are no matter how hard it is and be thankful for it!  

Cheers to you and me for getting older and hopefully better, stronger and happier!



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