What's What

Happy Sunday this and thatters!  I hope you are having a weekend.  

Please enjoy this edition of what's what!


1.  Momastery

I love to read blogs!  I have to confess I only read about 3 and they are all fashion blogs but I think I will have to add Momastery to my rotation.  A friend sent me this particular post and it spoke to me!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


2.  Red Wine Time

It's the fall, officially, so that means it's red wine time!!  I have been digging this Cabernet Sauvignon from the Biltmore.  No worries you don't need to make the drive to NC you can find it at Publix.  It has been a big hit in my household lately!

3.  Pottery Barn Kids

I love, love pottery barn kids!  They have the best Halloween costumes and candy bags for kids.  I ordered Emily her first little candy bag for Halloween the other day and it just came in the mail.  How adorable is this?!

4.  King of Pops

I have been obsessed with King of Pops for a while!!  I just love their amazing story and delicious popsicles.  I love that they are all natural but taste fantastic. I walk up to the farmer's market each day and try a different flavor.  Next time you see a sign for King of Pops be sure to snag one!  Sea salt and chocolate is a personal favorite :)


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