Mother's Day Reflections

Happy Day this and thatters!!  

I hope you and yours had a great Mother's Day!  I had a lovely Mother's Day thanks to the hubs, Em and the sweet baby girl who is literally partying in my belly these days.  

I started thinking about Mother's Day, I mean really thinking about what it means to all of us.  For so many years it has been and always will be about my own mother.  The woman who I love more than life!  The woman who I literally couldn't physically separate from when I was younger so I hung onto her leg for the better part of my toddler years.  The woman who I loved so much I would get homesick at spend the night parties.  To say I love my mother and we are close is an understatement.  To say we are perfect and don't fight would be a lie!  We have a real, flawed, beautiful, complicated, magnificent relationship that I wouldn't trade for the world.  

I thought about everyone out there who has lost a mother, didn't know their mother or was caring for a sick mother and I prayed for them.  I know everyday is hard but I'm sure Mother's Day is especially hard!  I want you to know you are loved, special and thought about on this day.  

Mother's Day is even more meaningful to me now being a mother.  It is so sweet to see how excited Emily was to see that we were celebrating.  She had absolutely no idea what we were celebrating but she was thrilled which made me thrilled.  I love my daughter with an unbridled, unconditional, words cannot describe love.  I tell her all the time "I love you so much it's not even normal".  That makes her laugh very hard!  

But I know that Mother's Day is hard for those women who are struggling to become mothers.  Who ache to be mother's, who know with every fiber of their being they are meant to be mothers and yet it hasn't happened yet.  I have a sweet, dear friend who spent last Mother's Day in tears and spent this Mother's Day pregnant!  I thanked God for his amazing blessing in her life.  On Mother's Day and everyday I pray for those women I know and don't who wish to be a mother.  I pray that God will bless their lives with a child in the most perfect way for them (whatever that is), I pray that God will guide them on their journey and I pray that they have a support system in place!

I love Mother's Day as much as anyone but the older I get the more meaningful it is.  I hope that not only on Mother's Day but every single day we can pray for each other as women, mothers or not, that we can lift each other up!  I deeply hope that we as a community of women can support, empower and love on another and by doing so we will show our daughters, nieces, goddaughters, etc. how beautiful and powerful it is to be a woman-mother or not.  

I hope no matter where you are in your life you celebrated yourself on Sunday!  You as a woman deserve it.  I am proud of you, your journey and where you are going.  



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