What's What

Happy Weekend this and thatters!!  I was so excited to see the sun today and yesterday.  It's been a rainy week and the sunshine was a welcome relief.  I hope you have a fantastic weekend!


1.  Rainy Day Activities

So do my lovely readers have rainy day suggestions?  I took Em to the library, pet store and even the park in the morning when it wasn't raining but somehow by the end of the day my house looked like this (pic below) every time!

I would love to hear from you any fun and exciting indoor activities you might suggest.  Besides the usual coloring, building with blocks etc.  Next week is shaping up to be yet another rainy week and this momma would love new ideas!

2.  Elizabeth Heard Barrettes

I was doing some online shopping this week and stumbled across Elizabeth Heard's site and fell in love!  How adorable are these barrettes?!  I literally want them all!  Be sure to check out her adorable site.  I feel like these would make amazing unique gifts!

Click here!

3.  Personal Day

I think it's important to have a "me" day every now and then.  To take some time for yourself and for me that means preferably by myself and do things that make me happy.  Honestly, I prefer to shop alone (is that weird?).  Most of the time I can make decisions pretty quickly so I'm in and out but then there are days I like to take my time so going alone allows me to do either and I love it!  

This week I got away for a little shopping and some lunch with one of my favorite friends at my fav spots and it did wonders for me!  I think it's so important to take those moments where you can and when you can.  It refills my tank and makes me better!

4.  Beauty Counter

Thank you all for your awesome feedback on my last post!  I really love the products and I am so glad you enjoyed the post.  Don't forget to look around and learn more about the company!  You can use the link below:

Click here!


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