The First Official Day of Summer

Hello beautiful readers!  I am thrilled today is the first official day of summer.  What a great day!

I know (especially if you're in the south) it feels like summer has been here for weeks but today is the kick off and I love it!  I think mostly because June has been incredibly chaotic for me.  I knew this going into the month and prepared for it the best I could but honestly it has been a busy month.  

I'm type A and like a lot of you our calendar is planned out well in advance.  When I realized I was going to be out of town the first 3 weekends of June (2 solo without Matt and the kids) I knew I needed to brace up, haha!  Like most things we got through it and juggled things around and made it work.

I cannot tell you how much Matt smiled when on Sunday night (that's when we synch up our calendars for the week) he asked me what was going on this weekend and I got to say nothing.  And he asked about the next week and I said nothing again...ah...summer!!!

I have to tell you for most of my life I loved having a jam packed schedule.  I wanted to be busy and go from one thing to the next but these days seeing a week free makes my stomach flip and my heart dance!  Mostly because I love what happens on those unscheduled days.

Those are the days where I end up having picnics in the backyard with the girls, or taking Emily to get ice cream at 11 a.m, or swimming at the pool until way after bed time, or watching movies until everyone falls asleep in our bed.  To me life truly happens in those moments on those days and I'm craving that time!  The uninterrupted time of just being brings such an incredible freedom I can't articulate it.  

I think that's why everyone loves summer honestly.  It's such a magical time that is carved into our year.  It's the time when time slows down and we slow down with it.  Schedules relax and we all do too.  It's a time when we eat hot dogs way more for dinner than we should, everyone stays up late and sleeps in and the only thing that seems important is how to stay cool or have fun.  

I'm so excited for summer 2016 to kick off!  I hope your days are filled with sunscreen, sprinklers, sparklers, cocktails, cold beers, chlorine and lots of love.  xoxo


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