The Confessional

Happy Friday peeps!  I hope you're ready for a great weekend and I hope you enjoy this edition of the confessional.  xoxo

I don't know if it's the cooler weather or what but I've been reading like a mad woman.  I really need to do a what's on my nightstand post because it would be a good one...note to self.

I'm trying to loose the last bit of weight after having Olivia (yes she's a year old in a week). After baby #2 it's a bit harder, for me anyway!  I've been taking it slow and I'm close but not there just yet.  I'm hoping that sweater weather and being able to cover up doesn't throw me off track.

How is Olivia almost 1 by the way?  I feel like I just had her.  Matt and I were talking about how time is flying and how it's almost scary how quick the weeks go by.  

We are working with a decorator to redo our dining room and I am so excited.  It has been such a fun project and I absolutely love working with someone who gets me and culls things down so I have options but they aren't overwhelming.  I will have to do a little before and after post for you guys.

I'm so excited for fall!  I love cooler weather but not cold weather.  Today was the first day it truly felt like fall to me and it made me so excited.

I'm really trying not to shop or spend money on clothes.  Instead I'm trying to spend money on our house or save money for it.  Honestly, it has been hard sometimes because I love reading fashion blogs and they links make it so easy to shop but I've been doing pretty good. Matt even made a comment about how he hasn't seen the FedEx guy in weeks....winning!

Since I've been trying to save money I haven't visited Target recently.  I don't trust myself in y'all?  I walk out having spent $200 and I don't even know on what!!

I really love weather.  Lame, I know, haha!  This whole hurricane situation has had been glued to the TV and internet.  I even own a farmer's almanac and made matt listen to the NPR special they did on the farmer's almanac (he was less than pleased).  


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