The Confessional
It's Friday people!! I am so excited for the weekend. I only wish the weather would get a tad bit cooler so it actually felt like fall! I hope you enjoy the confessional.
1. Matt and I are headed out of town this weekend to enjoy some couple time and I couldn't be more excited! It's an early anniversary trip and I am so ready for a full weekend of couple time. We haven't been away since our vacation in May and I can't wait for this time together.
2. I always get anxiety before I go out of town and leave the girls. I do better if Matt is with them and I go solo. Us going together kicks my intensity and anxiety into overdrive. It's better than it's ever been but my mind goes on the what if hamster wheel and I have to kindly tell it to STOP! I think all moms do this, right?! ;)
3. I have felt kinda blah this week. Not happy, not sad just kind of neutral. I don't know if I'm overwhelmed or what but I'm working on snapping myself out of blah.
4. This week I participated in a money mindset challenge. (If you want the link just Facebook message me.) I was kind of hesitant at first but it was a super cool experience that helped me get really clear on what I want now, in the future etc. I have never done anything like that before but I LOVED it.
5. I know I haven't been blogging a lot this week but I have been writing like a mad woman. It has been awesome and just what I needed. Writing helps me sort out my feelings, get clear and move through things. I am working on what will become blogposts and what is still private and I'm hoping to have some great posts coming your way very soon.
6. Olivia is starting to walk! That is so crazy for me to say (type). She is taking one or two steps here and there and then sitting down on her bottom once she realizes what happens. She took several steps on Wednesday and I took her to the park and for ice cream to celebrate. I love seeing how her personality is developing and who she is right now. One on one time with my girls is such a gift to me. I love seeing and playing with them together but I also covet alone time with each of them.
7. I've got to start exercising again! Taking care of myself (eating well and exercising) is proving to be very difficult during this season of life. If I have free time to myself I normally want to sleep, rest, read etc. Throwing on workout clothes and going for a walk or finding time to go to yoga hasn't been a priority. I can tell that it's starting to get to me so I've got to figure out a way to incorporate more physical activity into my week. Any suggestions? I will work on it and report back.
1. Matt and I are headed out of town this weekend to enjoy some couple time and I couldn't be more excited! It's an early anniversary trip and I am so ready for a full weekend of couple time. We haven't been away since our vacation in May and I can't wait for this time together.
2. I always get anxiety before I go out of town and leave the girls. I do better if Matt is with them and I go solo. Us going together kicks my intensity and anxiety into overdrive. It's better than it's ever been but my mind goes on the what if hamster wheel and I have to kindly tell it to STOP! I think all moms do this, right?! ;)
3. I have felt kinda blah this week. Not happy, not sad just kind of neutral. I don't know if I'm overwhelmed or what but I'm working on snapping myself out of blah.
4. This week I participated in a money mindset challenge. (If you want the link just Facebook message me.) I was kind of hesitant at first but it was a super cool experience that helped me get really clear on what I want now, in the future etc. I have never done anything like that before but I LOVED it.
5. I know I haven't been blogging a lot this week but I have been writing like a mad woman. It has been awesome and just what I needed. Writing helps me sort out my feelings, get clear and move through things. I am working on what will become blogposts and what is still private and I'm hoping to have some great posts coming your way very soon.
6. Olivia is starting to walk! That is so crazy for me to say (type). She is taking one or two steps here and there and then sitting down on her bottom once she realizes what happens. She took several steps on Wednesday and I took her to the park and for ice cream to celebrate. I love seeing how her personality is developing and who she is right now. One on one time with my girls is such a gift to me. I love seeing and playing with them together but I also covet alone time with each of them.
7. I've got to start exercising again! Taking care of myself (eating well and exercising) is proving to be very difficult during this season of life. If I have free time to myself I normally want to sleep, rest, read etc. Throwing on workout clothes and going for a walk or finding time to go to yoga hasn't been a priority. I can tell that it's starting to get to me so I've got to figure out a way to incorporate more physical activity into my week. Any suggestions? I will work on it and report back.
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