Renovation Diaries

Happy Friday this and thatters!

If you follow me on insta you know that Matt and I are renovating our home!  It's probably more accurate to call it an out and out gut job, ha.  We have removed the entire roof, tons of windows etc. etc.

I thought it would be fun to document our journey here!  It has been a fun journey so far.  Everyone asks me if demo is hard and for me it isn't because I love seeing big progress each and everyday!  I know there will be days and even weeks that I can't really tell that anything is happening so I am relishing this time.  

For my first post on our reno I thought it would be fun to post some before pics of our place and a some demo shots as well.  Enjoy!!


Here are the before pics of our little casa!

Outside Pics

Inside Pics!

Mud room

 Butler's Pantry


 Breakfast Room

Master Bedroom

 Main Hallway

 Girls Bathroom

 Dining Room


 Olivia's Bedroom

Progress after week 1 of demo!

 The den after Week 2

 Dining Room (on the left)

The Kitchen (the stove use to be on the right wall)


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