Happy Summer

Summer is here and it's so exciting!!!  I have been ready for summer, slower days and easier schedules.  I feel like I relax a little bit more this time of year.  However, this summer has had a different flavor for us.  As most of you know we have moved out of our home and are deep in the throws of renovation.  

While, renovating was always our plan and I had a clear picture in my end of the finished product I didn't really think about moving out of our home and staying in an apartment while we were working on the house.  

So people have messaged me about this process and so I figured I would just do a blog post and answer your top 5 questions here and now, ha!  

1.  When are you going to do another post on the progress of the renovations?

YIKES!!  Ok so I haven't been updating the blog with the renovation progress as often as I planned to mostly because I do most of that on my instastories (feel free to follow me on insta).  

I am planning to do a lengthy blog post on the reno very soon, stay tuned!

2.  Is Matt doing your renovation?  Do you fight?  

Yes, Matt and his brother's company (Womack Custom Homes) are heading up our renovation.  I feel relieved that they are because I can be completely honest about what I'm thinking etc.

Matt and I haven't had an out and out fight about the house but we have definitely had to make concessions on certain things.  One being my closet, another being the master bedroom.  Given this is what my husband does for a living I've given him free reign (for the most part) because I trust him and his work.  (I wonder if he will agree with that?)

3.  Are you working with a designer?  Or are you making all the design choices on your own?

The answer to this is HELL YES I'm working with a designer!  :)  

I know my limitations and I needed to bring someone in to be my voice when I either couldn't be there or for the items I didn't truly understand on blueprints.  Anna Louise Wolfe is the designer and you can find her on Facebook or instagram.  She has been exactly what I needed in terms of making color/spacial and design choices. 

4.  What is your timeline for completion?

Our ultimate goal is to be in the house December 1.  I will say this weather hasn't been our friend!  The rain has made it interesting but I'm hopeful that good weather is heading our way.  

5.  Has the process been stressful?  

Ok so I've had this question asked more than any other.  The process has been just that a process.  Given this is what my husband has always done for a living I had a lot more information than most.  I'm aware that things don't always unfold exactly as you think and being flexible is the key in all of this.  Flexibility is something I'm working on and this process has really helped me.

I've learned so much and I've loved seeing the transformation.  I've never been a part of anything like this before and for it to be mine has been awesome.  I'm sure if we were living on site it would add a layer of stress but since we have vacated it helps.  



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