Feels Like Home

I had a great impromptu night with some of our neighbors the other night.  We all convened in some one's driveway and had some cocktails and appetizers.  Every one's kids were playing and you can bet my furry four legged baby was there as well :) 

It was so laid back and fun.  It got me thinking about changes and getting out of your comfort zone.  Truth be told I am not great at change...in fact I kinda suck at it! 

When I moved in with the hubs I had a really hard time for many reasons.  First most of my closest girlfriends had left the ATL to get married, go to school etc.  Secondly, I had lived in my cute, little Sandy Springs condo for 7  years and it was my home completely.  And third I moved a bit out of town to Norcross and I didn't know the first place to go to get my nails done, grocery shop etc. 

The hubs found me one day crying on the stairs of our house.   He was perplexed to say the least.  When I could finally explain what was wrong that "this isn't my house it's your house.  I keep waiting to go to my house and feel like me again."  He got it as best he could. 

I would call my sweet mama all the time and say "when will it feel like home?".  She was so great through all of this and would say "these things take time!"  or "clean and cook in it for a while and it will fell like yours." 

Like most things she was absolutely right!  Cut to being married for a year and some change and this is my home.  It took a lot of work, a lot of time and a some money to make it feel like that and it isn't over. :)

I am really enjoying putting my touch on our house!  From the granite to the paint to the decor I am finally making it ours.  And that makes my heart very happy!

The other thing that makes this house feel like a home is my wonderful, funny, supportive, outgoing, beautiful neighbors.  They truly have become our family here!  We celebrate holidays, birthdays and life changes with each other.  We also grieve with each other and support each other. 

Like all things it is what you make it!  (this is my life mantra if you haven't noticed). 

What my neighbors and I have built is a beautiful, somewhat functional, always fun, support system for each other and I am forever grateful!  These are the people I come home to at night along with the loves of my life (the hubs and mae) and that is the greatest gift!

I am happy to say it feels like home!!  I always loved Carri'es quote from Sex and the City about family,

"The most important thing in life is your family.  There are days you love them, and others you don't.  But, in the end, they're the people you always come home to.  Sometimes it's the family you're born into and sometimes it's the one you make for yourself."


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