Working Girl Rules: Present Yourself With Style

I mentioned one of my favorite tips for success in my post signature style:  work attire and got some questions about it.  There are rules that are taped to my desk and have been for 8 years.  The post-it note looks a little worse for the wear but of no consequence :) 

I keep these rules on my desk to center me, remind me of what's important and to focus me on the goal at hand.  It's advice I've collected over the years or things I have learned myself. 

The first rule on the list is "present yourself with style".  The thought behind this is that you should dress appropriately for work that doesn't mean boring, by the way!  My rule of thumb is that your outfit should be tasteful, colorful but should never be distracting. 

Let me talk about distracting for a minute.  I for one am not interested in seeing your cleavage, your camel toe, or how short you can get your skirt without showing your spanx.  Dressing like this is going to get you attention.....negative attention!  Cover it up at the work place and save the skank gear for the weekend I beg of you.

Also, work might not be the place to try out the latest and greatest trends.  I'm not sure your boss or the president of your company is interested in your new neon mini, just a hunch!

When you are dressing for work know your audience (do you work mostly with men, do you work in a very fashion forward industry, is it business casual) and let that set the stage for how you dress.  Have some fun with it too but don't put so much emphasis on your fashion choices or wardrobe that you forget to lead with your business foot. 

Here are some of my favorite work looks/wardrobe pieces for inspiration!

A Great Dress

A Great Jacket

A Great Suit

Great Basics


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