What Happened To The Weekend?

Ok is it just me or does the weekend feel like the fastest 2 days of the week?!  We travel a lot on the weekends or have events/parties etc. if we are in town so it is rare to be in town and have no plans.  Often times we can go months before we have a free weekend to just get stuff done!

This weekend was one of those weekends we had free and to say we squeezed all we could into 2 days would be an understatement! 

It started with me doing some personal pampering (that's what the hubs calls it) or what I like to call maintenance.  I hit up the nail place and got my gel manicure done. 


And After....Soo much better!!

I then headed over to Natural Body Spa in Brookhaven to see my fav gal Sally and get a much needed microderm facial and some waxing done.  If you've never had a microderm facial before you need to make an appointment and go at once!

On my way back to the house I swung by my TJ Maxx.  I am newly obssesed with the TJ Maxx by our house!  They have the best stuff and of course I've already figured out when they get their weekly shipments in so I had to run by and see what they had.  Strike up the band because the Lilly fairy had just visited :)  I scored this dress that I was obssesed with last year for $69.99 (regular price $298) and they had my Lilly Wink Perfume for $14....SCORE!

I then ran home to do some much needed cleaning and to do our laundry.  Ok something is wrong with the hubs and I because on average I do 4 loads of laundry a week!  What in the world?  The hubs blames it on our workouts but I blame it on us only wearing something once and then throwing it in the dirty clothes hamper.  In any event being faced wtih a mountain of laundry isn't fun!

After knocking out the laundry the hubs and I headed out to test drive cars.  I need a new car in the worst way but we have been putting it off!  We have narrowed it down to two options. 

My choice is the Lexus

The Hubs prefers the Acura

Anyone care to be the tie breaker?  :) 

After that I headed to the grocery store and I'm not sure how picking up a few things turns into my shopping cart looking like I'm buying groceries for a family of four but whatevs!


I rounded out the weekend working on our house.  The hubs and I finally agreed on flooring options, yay!  I found some good wall art options for our entryway and upstairs hallway.  And finally I am getting new counter stools and have narrowed down my fabric choices to four options.  Any thoughts? 


I ended the weekend snuggled up with Mae and watching movies!  Frankly I'm exhausted and for some reason so is Mae, Mae :)



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