Adult Spring Break

Soo I have been a little slack on blogging and for that I apologize.  Thanks for sticking with me :) 

I decided that last week I was going to take the week off (from everything including blogging) and enjoy what I like to call Adult Spring Break.  Spring Break use to conjure visions of bikinis,  beer bongs and boys but not anymore....

My spring break included house cleaning, closet sorting, golf watching, cooking and working out.  My how times have changed.  The week wasn't all work though I did take one day just for me and it was fabulous.  I spent all day in my pj's (well until 3 p.m.) and read books and watched trash TV like

The hubs and I also spent two lovely days at the Masters and soaked up the sun (good lord I am pale), the views and enjoyed the amazing pimento cheese sammies.  I am soo happy Bubba won!

I really enjoyed my adult spring break and it was much needed after all the hard work I've been doing these past few months.  But today it's back to the office and a pile of emails, voicemails and demands that frankly are making me wish for my pj's :) 

To say I have a case of the Mondays would be putting it lightly but I am beyond thankful for my Adult Spring Break and highly encourage you to take one as well. 

Until tomorrow.....


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